Creative Companion

It's dangerous to write alone.🔥
Too often a young wordsmith🖋️ was lost procrastinating in strange lands🗺️, exploring deep forests🌲 or the vastness of space🚀✨.
Better take your Creative Companion along.


Typewriter feel

Give your typing a rich vintage typewriter sound🎧, no matter what keyboard⌨️ or software you're using.

Pomodoro technique

Customize the Pomodoro technique🍅 to structure your work in a proven and effective way.
You can freely adjust the time intervals to your needs.

Progress tracking

Keep track of your creative routine by word count🧮, Words Per Hour🕰️, Streak🔥 … even refills of your favorite beverage☕.

What you create matters

Designed for writers

Your Creative Companion has shown to increase motivation and thus productivity. It's simple, encouraging and fun to use.


You're not alone in this. See when others are creating with the Coworking👩‍💻👨‍💻 feature.
Your Companion is always there to cheer you on🎉. Share your progress with fellow creatives.

How it works

Work in your favorite software and let your Companion take care of the rest.
It runs in the background👻 and counts the hard work you put in, rather than what remains in your document.

Keeping score

Your Companion keeps track of your score🧮, creates an overview and you can share it online.

Build a habit

Keep your Streak🔥 going. Doing a little💪 every day not only helps build a habit, but stacks up to real output📚.

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